
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reversal of Cognitive Decline with the Bredesen Protocol: Fact or hype?

Reversal of cognitive decline: The Bredesen Protocol Fact or hype?   Introduction   After reading the book “ The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline ,” by Dr. Dale Bredesen, and listening on the web various talks on it by him, I decided to take the plunge in December 2019 and try the program for my wife, Peg, age 72. Peg had been diagnosed with Dementia two years earlier. As we were advised by her neurologist, she was continuing to decline cognitively. The available medicine (Aracept) may have slowed down the decline. But she was clearly on a downward trajectory.   Like many others in the same boat, I was desperate to try any treatment that offered some hope. In 2019, I enrolled her in an 8-month clinical trial of a drug (Nilotonib), but it ended in failure. In end-2019, as my desperation was growing, I decided to sign on to the treatment recommended by Dr. Bredesen. However, seven months into following rigorously the protocol, Peg had not